the nothings
pee shivera recent conversation with a friend culminated with me searching and searching for information regarding the normally occuring phenomena of
pee shiver,
pee shiver - you know when you are draining off the last bits of your urine, and ur body sort of convulses, like you having a minor split second spasm,
well, there's not much literature on the subject on the net, (possibly due to my limited googling ability,) but anyway,
Dr R. James Swanson from
Old Dominion University attributes it to the "micturition reflex relayed through the autonomic nervous system (ANS)" This means that we shiver (micturition reflex) more when there is a bigger volume (means greater pressure) of urine flowing through our urinary tract since our nerve endings are located there,
huh?putting it simply, if you're one of those who hold in your urine, you'll probably experience the shivering more often - so you were right dil!
EXCLUSIVE Angelina finds love in SingaporeHollywood - Seductress actress Angelina Jolie was spotted shopping and munching on the sinfully delicious prata tumbuk with an identified man in Geylang Serai, Singapore yesterday. Witnesses claim that they saw the couple, who were behaving intimately, (as it was after "buka") choosing traditional Malay costumes like "kebaya" and bikinis mini at Joo Chiat Complex before heading into HajaH Maimunah restaurant.
Although Angelina's official spokesperson refused to confirm the alleged relationship, she said that Angelina is in Singapore to visit friends.
The Nothings News managed to snag an exclusive photo of her allleged beau, believed to be a Singaporean male, from hidden cameras we sneaked into her hotel bedroom.
what boredom does to man
tributei'll never break your heart,
this i promise you, i swear
so give it one more try
ain't our love ain't here anymore?
should i sing a million love songs?
or do i swear it again
all i know is if i let you go
and you're gone,
i'll be drowning
chorusso quit playing games with my heart
and love me for a reason
but never forget
that a picture of you
is larger than life
so i pray each night
that you're back for good
isn't it a wonder
that sorry seems to be the hardest word
although i'd breathe easy,
if you say the words,
as long as you love me,
i'll show you the best in me
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
though we've come to the end of the road
in the still of the night, no matter what,
i'm flying without wings?
so how? grammy material?
Night Watchwatch it for the cool effects, and layout and blah blah,,,(
but after watching it, i liked it even more
well, it's in russian, so i pretty much shut off my ears when they talked, which gave me more brain power (i've some left, contrary to popular belief)to concentrate on other stuff,
i like the fact that it isn't simply a good versus evil cheap flick, it actually potrays an evil that is good and a good that is evil, which sorta outlines what all of us already know - that white and black don't exist, just many, many shades of grey,
10 literary gems unearthed in the ungodly hours over too many rounds of green tea1. gratification from validation (Miao, 2005)
2. if one go down all go down (from the days of old)
3. yong taufu is my favourite dish (always a classic)
4. patriach
ell, matriach
ell (last capricorn, 2005)
5. kuasa malu (good old ugly uniform days)
6. i tak nak muscle... (remains a fond memory of our paedophilic friend)
7. i'm going to palawan beach to listen to some jazz and later catch dim sum dollies (courtesy of our cultured friend)
8. You are all syaitannnnn!!!! (hahaha)
9. don't sembuay lah (very much in use still)
10. when you puasa,
(fast) your standard also puasa (the most recent)
DISCLAIMER: the writer would like to apologise to those who do not have a clue about what he is writing about,please come up with your own interpretation of the list items, to those who do, he hopes the list would bring back fond memories,
please email the writer if you have further queries.
what is it with Ed?i really really like watching Ed, i don't know why, but it's one of the many shows i identify a lot with,
don't get me wrong, i like watching csi, house king of queens and every other pop indulgence on television, but i like Ed the best,
and no, it's not some subconscious homosexual hormones kicking in (no offence) but yah, i'm addicted to the show come tuesday
for peeps hit with a black mondaythe genius of bill watterson
things we do on a fruitless weekend...Se7en things that (will) scare me:1. waking up alone at 40
2. myself in the mirror in the morning
3. someone calling my name in an empty street and i can actually hear the call even though my ears are plugged with noise cancelling earphones
4. losing a damn good kamching fren
5. not enough people to carry my coffin when i move on
6. cockroaches - i mean don't get me wrong, i'll still kill/smash the odd cockroach tha wonders too near me, but i'll still be scared all the same, especially of the flying ones
7. a recurrence of anything bad that happened to me
Se7en things I like the most:1. epok-epok
2. green tea (so if i'm given green tea and epok-epok to eat for the rest of my life, i'll be pissed, but i'll manage)
3. Eliza Dushku
4. old school stuff (old fashioned lah)
5. chocolate brownie swimming in sinful hot fudge and with a dollop of vanilla ice cream on the side
6. lepak-ing with my friends until the wee hours of the night - priceless, cos we know it'll end sometime,
7. waking up to the sound of rain pattering on the window pane, with the droplets sliding down slowly - and i get to slide back under the covers, cos it's an off day,
Se7en most important things in my room:1. wallclock
2. phone
3. television
4. radio
5. lights (important beb)
6. bantal busuk
7. fan
Se7en random facts about me:1.i play the clarinet, not very well, but can pass lah
2. once during an event,i was playing the drums,as i was about to hit the cymbals, i tossed the drumsticks behind me, i think everyone was too shocked to laugh
3. i like take that, i really like take that actually
4. my tuition student got kicked out of school because she failed
5. i jog to the botanic gardens and back not because i want to keep fit or watch the ducks, it's because i want be in the company of hot chicks running in tank tops
6. i sing so terribly that sometimes i wish my ears could filter my voice
7. i'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body (lesbians, liberate me ;))
Se7en things I plan to do before I die:1. cook a real meal, with appetizer and main course and dessert
2. go to all the continents
3. marry the person i love
4. much on freshly baked bread at provence cafe, with rain pattering sprightly on the canvas canopy and drink hot milo
5. be more ambitious so i can fill out 6 & 7
Se7en things I can do:1. talk nonsense
2. cook a pie that won't kill anyone
3. watch sitcoms for hours
4. make brownies (sapa yang tak boleh buat kan)
5. make friends
6. make a fool of myself
7. go out by myself
Se7en things I can't do:1. make valid arguments in class
2. burp at will
3. be angry for too long
4. be with someone who i can't connect with
5. eat chilli without having a pail of really cold water next to me
6. eat sup tulang without making a bloody mess
7. to eat onions raw, like the one with satay or rojak
Se7en words I say the most:1. biasak
2. macam sial
3. last kopek
4. f*&k it
5. god is fair
6. chill
7. shit
Se7en celeb crushes that became reality1. Eliza Dushku
2. Natalie Portman
3. Claudia Schiffer
4. Vanessa Williams
5. All of the All Saints
6. Kiera Knightley
7. saving the last one
Se7en people I'll love to see doing thisa lot more than seven, sapa nak buat, buat jer
of peaches, painkillers and pon de replayever wondered why tinned peaches look so different from the fresh ones? tinned peaches are orange, almost golden, and they are spongy, but not too springy, and just have the right consistency, in short, it makes you want to eat more,
the fresh ones, although supposed to be better, (read, less sugar, more anti-oxidants, blah blah) are more fibrousy, has pits, sometimes have patches of brown which i used to think were worm houses, (another story i promise),
so why do tin peaches taste so good? is it the sugar, or is some unknown reaction with the tin during the tinning process, maybe they manufacture these peaches secretly from some gelatine and egg combo,
i think fresh peaches just don't do it for me,
just like painkillers,

i've upgraded from using panadol junior in the past, to panadol (adult) and now, it seems i need four at one time to keep out the migraine, so i go for panadol extra, which means i've a deadly cocktail of painkillers hiding in my blood, somewhere, soon i'll probably need painkiller "poison extra"
and i'm stuck, rather addicted to watching cooking shows on tv,
like how hot rihanna sings "pon de replay"
*pon de replay means play it again in Barbados slang, or so i've heard
on the way homewell, met an old friend today, was close to her in the past, but somehow we kinda lost touch with each other's lives, so it was kinda refreshing, catching up with her, talking about our sad lives, or our no life days,
anyway, i've got to catch up with lots of people i know, maybe some of them don't even want to be caught, but i promise i promise to get round all of them before 2010
and you thought your kids were safefrom an intellectual conference in holland village yesterday,
kids nowadays are sent to nurseries, pre-school, pre-nurseries, post pre-school but before real school, you know, kids have to learn the shapes and sizes after6 months in their moms' wombs,
so what are they learning, in these introductory institutions?
just nursery rhymes and numbers and stuff,
chances are, mother goose is giving them a head start in life
""she'll be coming round the mountain when she comes""
no guesses who's mountain she'll becoming around four times,
""here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, early in the morning""
over here, we are teaching the kids that when they wake up in the morning, there's nothing more welcominfg than interfering with someone else's bush before that nice bowl of fruit loops,
but my favourite one would have to be this one --
wee willie winkie, runs through the town
upstairs and downstairs in his night gown
rapping at the windows, crying through the lock
are the children all in bed, for it's now eight o'clock
just one more
upstairs and downstairs
upon my lady's window
then i saw a cup of sack
and a race of ginger
apples at the fire
and nuts to crack
and a little boy in the cream pot
up to his neck
sick to those who made up these rhymes, but thanx for the advance education and lifelong learning opportunities
sick to me too i guess
lunch in the never progressing queue during lunch today, i was pondering what to eat,
should i go for nasi tomato (at least it looks like it under the layer of oil) - something i've never eaten before in school, and risk the unfamiliar spices that would penetrate my sinuses or go for my usual rice and chicken and bagedil with a dollop of sambal belacan combo, i can't do without chicken, not since my teenage years
the queue evidently moved as it was my turn after like 20,000,000 hours,
so i thought to myself,
well, it's the start of the week, exciting times ahead,
so i chose rice and cucumber along with water crest and bittergourd, topped off with some brinjal and beancurd salad kind of thing,
for the first time, i forgot to buy chicken
when you know what you know, you back off, immediately
bombs over balicruel fuckers
forbidden fruitwhy do you want it?
selfish, giving, selfish
what do you want it for?
want, craving, need?
when do you want it?
never, today, now
where do you want it?
in the tummy, in the head, in the heart?
who is it?
no one else, maybe no one, can only be one?
how do you want it?
together, hot and cold, forever and ever
what fruit am i?