of peaches, painkillers and pon de replayever wondered why tinned peaches look so different from the fresh ones? tinned peaches are orange, almost golden, and they are spongy, but not too springy, and just have the right consistency, in short, it makes you want to eat more,
the fresh ones, although supposed to be better, (read, less sugar, more anti-oxidants, blah blah) are more fibrousy, has pits, sometimes have patches of brown which i used to think were worm houses, (another story i promise),
so why do tin peaches taste so good? is it the sugar, or is some unknown reaction with the tin during the tinning process, maybe they manufacture these peaches secretly from some gelatine and egg combo,
i think fresh peaches just don't do it for me,
just like painkillers,

i've upgraded from using panadol junior in the past, to panadol (adult) and now, it seems i need four at one time to keep out the migraine, so i go for panadol extra, which means i've a deadly cocktail of painkillers hiding in my blood, somewhere, soon i'll probably need painkiller "poison extra"
and i'm stuck, rather addicted to watching cooking shows on tv,
like how hot rihanna sings "pon de replay"
*pon de replay means play it again in Barbados slang, or so i've heard