things we do on a fruitless weekend...Se7en things that (will) scare me:1. waking up alone at 40
2. myself in the mirror in the morning
3. someone calling my name in an empty street and i can actually hear the call even though my ears are plugged with noise cancelling earphones
4. losing a damn good kamching fren
5. not enough people to carry my coffin when i move on
6. cockroaches - i mean don't get me wrong, i'll still kill/smash the odd cockroach tha wonders too near me, but i'll still be scared all the same, especially of the flying ones
7. a recurrence of anything bad that happened to me
Se7en things I like the most:1. epok-epok
2. green tea (so if i'm given green tea and epok-epok to eat for the rest of my life, i'll be pissed, but i'll manage)
3. Eliza Dushku
4. old school stuff (old fashioned lah)
5. chocolate brownie swimming in sinful hot fudge and with a dollop of vanilla ice cream on the side
6. lepak-ing with my friends until the wee hours of the night - priceless, cos we know it'll end sometime,
7. waking up to the sound of rain pattering on the window pane, with the droplets sliding down slowly - and i get to slide back under the covers, cos it's an off day,
Se7en most important things in my room:1. wallclock
2. phone
3. television
4. radio
5. lights (important beb)
6. bantal busuk
7. fan
Se7en random facts about me:1.i play the clarinet, not very well, but can pass lah
2. once during an event,i was playing the drums,as i was about to hit the cymbals, i tossed the drumsticks behind me, i think everyone was too shocked to laugh
3. i like take that, i really like take that actually
4. my tuition student got kicked out of school because she failed
5. i jog to the botanic gardens and back not because i want to keep fit or watch the ducks, it's because i want be in the company of hot chicks running in tank tops
6. i sing so terribly that sometimes i wish my ears could filter my voice
7. i'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body (lesbians, liberate me ;))
Se7en things I plan to do before I die:1. cook a real meal, with appetizer and main course and dessert
2. go to all the continents
3. marry the person i love
4. much on freshly baked bread at provence cafe, with rain pattering sprightly on the canvas canopy and drink hot milo
5. be more ambitious so i can fill out 6 & 7
Se7en things I can do:1. talk nonsense
2. cook a pie that won't kill anyone
3. watch sitcoms for hours
4. make brownies (sapa yang tak boleh buat kan)
5. make friends
6. make a fool of myself
7. go out by myself
Se7en things I can't do:1. make valid arguments in class
2. burp at will
3. be angry for too long
4. be with someone who i can't connect with
5. eat chilli without having a pail of really cold water next to me
6. eat sup tulang without making a bloody mess
7. to eat onions raw, like the one with satay or rojak
Se7en words I say the most:1. biasak
2. macam sial
3. last kopek
4. f*&k it
5. god is fair
6. chill
7. shit
Se7en celeb crushes that became reality1. Eliza Dushku
2. Natalie Portman
3. Claudia Schiffer
4. Vanessa Williams
5. All of the All Saints
6. Kiera Knightley
7. saving the last one
Se7en people I'll love to see doing thisa lot more than seven, sapa nak buat, buat jer