the nothings
I came across this gem of mat jokes on the net just now -
" A Mat, who was in Primary 3, came home from school one day and asked his father, "Bapak, today in school, me and friends had competisen, see who's cock the biggest, lah. My cock bigger than all, lah. Why ah? Because I melayu, issit?
The father sighed and looked at him and said, "No,lah. Because you're eighteen years old." "
delhi belly in surabaya

firstly, my sincerest apologies! i think the recent barrage of posts here has misled some to think that 1) i'm suddenly inclined to blog like mad 2) i live in the past
well, i can safely say that no. 1) is not true. the posts are all past ones from, i'm still as lazy as ever, and no 2), hmm let's don't harp about the past shall we?
anyway, i just want to share some lepak things i discovered in a bakery in sunny surabaya recently,
<--- the bottle on the left contai
ns a concoction that supposedly makes your "burung" (read: dick) a "dewa" (read: deity).
The catch: you got to "kocok dahulu" (wank)

this one ------------------------------------------------------->
makes u a "super jantan" (super male)
it seems that downing a considerable quantity regularly will make you as powerful as black beauty.
but the one below takes the cake (pun intended abis)
check out the name of the cake below bakpia waluh:
i was like :
N: Sedap kuih ni ya ibu.
Ibu: memang sedap, dari labu
N: namanya apa si?

Ibu: pukis
N: Apa?
Ibu: Pukis, Kuih pukis,
N: embjlniafad (difficult to replicate what i said while trying to suppress laughter)
Ibu: mau lagi?
for the record, memang sedap
an undeniable fact of life, albeit largely cliched, is that people change,
what's worse, sometimes, people change during a mature period of their lives where you simply thought that change isn't possible - i'm fast losing the naive conjecture that we stop changing after a certain age - we don't,,, in fact, we continue to evolve,
(or devolve) and transform possibly into the very persons we decided many years ago not to become, but somehow,uncannily, in chasing our dreams, the traits we used to loathe gather undesirably as one, with our idealistic selves
Metamorphosis by Sheila Wolk @
"there is no such thing as an objective thought or an objective opinion, commentary, article, composition, essay, thesis, you get the drift,
by design and definition, whatever you say, or cannot say is simply not objective, so it will be more realistic to aspire towards objectivity" - norman, a not so good essay, , 2003.
found this while housekeeping the hard drive, so lepak, but so true, especially at present