forced socialization
one of the scenarios explained by the above phrase is a behavioral experiment where researchers put two rats of different sexes in a 4 x 4 box and force them to socialize - mate or make friends or anything like that, to study their behavior, and the variables would be time, space, number of rats, blah blah,

i think this experiment mirrors life, all of us have been rats before, and i don't think many like being rats, i don't, in fact, i absolutely hate it - but, for sanity's sake, i don't really want to get into the details right now,
digression: to answer a common question, i don't really like to use full stops in my posts, since there are no full stops in life, but there are lots of pauses, commas, and hyphens, (nak step deep lah ni)
anyway, i don't know why i've the energy to type after "wet" dream theater just now, (get it, get it) by the way, the concert was great lah, although it was raining most of the time, (what were you thinking!)
(get ready for abrupt ending)
i just realised, we're approaching the year of the rat