i never felt like this before...it all came so suddenly...causing my head to spin...and spin...and spin...like love at first sight....
bloody hell...
this bloody bug in my system is not a bug, but a big giant viral monster, since tuesday, when it first bared it's fangs, it has done nothing but gloat, peeing all over my bloody tonsils (literally) and then pouring hot coal over my head
very dramatic hor...or course...but i don't really have other words to describe what i'm feeling right now..my eyes are constantly half-closed, even as i type bloody sunday's stuff, and believe it or not, i have to pretend and show the family that i'm actually well, cos when they ask me and i say i feel like shit, they'll look at me with the "i told you to go to another doctor" look or you should rest your body and not go cycling...
i'm angry and hungry, becouse half of the things i set out to do this week are still undone and the other half is well, lost... and i'm famished becaused whatever i eat seems to want to come out/escape quite immediately, reminds me of a few people i went out with in the past...
speaking of which, i've not been out of the house since tuesday, and it looks like this weekend will be spent retching into the toilet bowl (and that's even before i peek into the mirror)