steve irwin died today
this nature lover, who made the crocodile swamps his home and tiger dens his play pens passed on "doing something he loved" according to his producer,
maybe it's ironical that steve the animal rights person and environmentalist died on the job, killed by the fatal stake attached to the tail of a stingray, the very animal he was trying to protect and raise awareness for,
but i'm not going to talk about his work as an animal rights person, or a nature lover, or green peace rightist
i just remember that some time last year, when i was on the phone with him, after a day of endless interviews, before i could go beyond hello, he asked me whether i had eaten (for it was lunch time in Australia)
That, to me, at that time, told me that Steve cared not just for animals but people too,
awwww, :P god damn u sniggering people
rip steve