confessions of a tv addict
i watch tv like there's no tomorrow - i'll turn the tube on the moment i come home, and after that it's one show after another - there's seinfeld every week day now, mondays are comedy nights, tuesday is cheesy teen flick galore, i investigate an uncharacteristic murder with grissom on wednesdays, wrestle triple h on thursdays and fridays and the whole cycle repeats itself 24/7, now, f1 season has started and world cup is coming, hell, i'm even watching golf now,
i blame the television company for this - who ask them to bring in many many tv shows and indulge me with these visual vices which i've to pay exhorbitantly for, i mean once you have cable, we're in the upper class of tv aristocracy, you can't watch free-to-air anymore, bye bye to police and thief,

sometimes, i don't even know what i'm watching - it's just my thumb working the remote, it's flick flick flick and before i know it the program that started with a platypus giving birth ends with nelly singing about his grillz on mtv
grills, for the uninitiated is just another the gangsta slang for diamond encrusted dentures, and nelly has a whole new song based on that, oh well, if it catches on in the geriatric ward over here, singapore's aged has something to look forward to in their retirement years, after eating all the candy, icekachang and cheesecakes, it'll be a new status symbol, so we don't have to prance around with those car keys around our wrinkled fingers any more, we just have to smile a lot in the future, which actually, come to think about it isn't really a bad thing,
note: someone pointed out that i don't use proper punctuation in my blog, especially the "full stop", well the reason is simple - although i know omitting the dot sorta accelerates the reading flow, i just want to make a point (pun intended) that like the pauses in life, the commas are sufficient and my leaving the full stop out over here is symbolic - that i don't want my sentences or rather my writings to end, (go barf now)