to be written into the constitution in 2006
1. aunties, uncles, ah peks, ah mahs, makciks, pakciks, and whoever that keeps on pressing the lift button more than once in the hope of accelerating the arrival of the lift would be banned from using lifts nationwide. the same would apply to traffic-lights-button-pressers
2. those who fail to exercise their liberty to at least shower in the mornings before infecting the air with funky aroma in public transport should be locked up in a gas chamber filled with "B-O, by Kelvin Kind" for a period no shorter than 12 months,
3. bras would be banned in public. enough said
4. pop-corn, smarties, hot dogs and other overpriced merchandice at the cinema would be free-of-charge, in fact, movie patrons would be paid an endorsement fee if they munch their food and slup their diets cokes loudly in the cinema
5. people with phony accents would be shot