one go down all go down -
an open letter to my "members"*well,
it's been a year - can't say that it's been a totally bad year, nor can i say it's been an exceptionally good one,
one thing for sure though, it would end on a much better note than 2004 did,
and for that, i'll thank the stupendous, super burgs, legendary, remarkable people i have around me , the ones i call members, the ones who call me friend
although their motives have been questionable at times (this almost always involve something to do with chicks or food or the likes), these friends are there when i needed them most and have supported me in their own individual unique ways, some indirectly, but most touched my heart (barf bag alert)
so at the risk of being melodramatic and cheesy and kental, i say thanks, and when i make my millions, i will not forget these people, i'll employ you guys to do my gardening, and wash my clothes k and don't call out to me in public
* this premature but cliched "reflections on the past year" post is probably one of the millions of pieces that would be published over the next few days in the cyber world, i'm just trying to be the first