the nothings
saw a woman and man boxing each other in the orchard underpass at tangs yesterday, and i mean really boxing, as in right in front of me, the woman landed an uncompromising right hook between the guy's eyes - tyson would be pleased,
anyway the guy probably deserved that, especially after he retaliated and landed a blow on the woman's head via a cookie-box loaded st michael's bag, talk about a bagful of goodies huh,
the drama carried on, with the crowd forming around them getting bigger and bigger, and of course everyone wanted to see the free show, and yes, there were people who sibuk-sibuk - the good samaritans who tried to intervene, but the couple were oblivious to anyone but themselves,
although, the woman kept shouting after a while that she doesn't know who the fuck the man is, she sounded damn unconvincing, especially so to the chick standing beside me, she's adamant that the couple must have slept together or something, lepak
i bought an orange gelato, picked a good spot, and wished for some pop corn
one go down all go down -
an open letter to my "members"*well,
it's been a year - can't say that it's been a totally bad year, nor can i say it's been an exceptionally good one,
one thing for sure though, it would end on a much better note than 2004 did,
and for that, i'll thank the stupendous, super burgs, legendary, remarkable people i have around me , the ones i call members, the ones who call me friend
although their motives have been questionable at times (this almost always involve something to do with chicks or food or the likes), these friends are there when i needed them most and have supported me in their own individual unique ways, some indirectly, but most touched my heart (barf bag alert)
so at the risk of being melodramatic and cheesy and kental, i say thanks, and when i make my millions, i will not forget these people, i'll employ you guys to do my gardening, and wash my clothes k and don't call out to me in public
* this premature but cliched "reflections on the past year" post is probably one of the millions of pieces that would be published over the next few days in the cyber world, i'm just trying to be the first

read a book on the life of
andy warhol today, actually more like flipped through the text and just admired the works of the 20th century artist done 2 -3 decades ago, warhol, made pop
(ular) popular, and is responsible for inspiring the soup cans motifs on bags and clothes, the big marlboro pack design on rael's tshirt and many other commercial "asssembly line" kind of designs and installations we see today
to be written into the constitution in 2006
1. aunties, uncles, ah peks, ah mahs, makciks, pakciks, and whoever that keeps on pressing the lift button more than once in the hope of accelerating the arrival of the lift would be banned from using lifts nationwide. the same would apply to traffic-lights-button-pressers
2. those who fail to exercise their liberty to at least shower in the mornings before infecting the air with funky aroma in public transport should be locked up in a gas chamber filled with "B-O, by Kelvin Kind" for a period no shorter than 12 months,
3. bras would be banned in public. enough said
4. pop-corn, smarties, hot dogs and other overpriced merchandice at the cinema would be free-of-charge, in fact, movie patrons would be paid an endorsement fee if they munch their food and slup their diets cokes loudly in the cinema
5. people with phony accents would be shot
legend photo 1(1996)
those were the years when sharael was not as bull as me, amirul hasn't acquired a taste for sezhuan cuisine, pre-m nasir- hair days elmie, imran masih rambut gel ( actually i just saw him, - his hair's still rock solid)
and we'll never forget cikgu ali's slaps - how he removes all the bling bling from his fingers before he hands out the ultimate punishment, neither would we forget his sadistic impressions of the handicap, or how sleepy noon classes were spent making sure we had a thorough malay cultural education which included making ladles from coconut shells and keris replicas from wood piece that were so tiny that it hurts, that

mum shouldn't have left her recipes lying around,
chocolate cheese cupcakerecipe (makes 9 cupcakes)30g ginger cookie (for base)
60g dark chocolate ( i recommend any brand with 70% cocoa)
180g cream cheese
75ml whipping cream
1 egg (about 65g)
20g castor sugar
20g cocoa powdertoppingchocolate shavings
icing sugarcupcake dimensions = 45mm (diameter) & 25mm (height)
how to dowhisk the cream cheese until smooth (if tiny lumps persist, that's ok, they'll melt out later)
pour the whipping cream and whisk some more until hand pain
add castor sugar, cocoa powder and egg and whisk again (use other hand now if the other hand temporarily immobilised)
once mixture is smooth, pour in the melted dark chocolate, (how to melt? use imagination)
after that whisk some more (i realised at this point that i have an electric mixer)
then once smooth, ladle the mixture into the cups which should now be nestled in the baking tray,
bake in pre heated oven at 150 degrees celcius for 20-30 mins
when done, wait for it to cool, then put in fridge,
before serving, sprinkle sugar and chocolate shavings,
killed some chickens today,
i also joined a bully in slapping a boy, killed some more hens, stole some gold from a farmer, broke some barrels of ale, grew a horn, some archery, all in a days' work for a villain apprentice
feels good being bad, after so long trying not to stray from the sidewalk (courtesy of kelly clarkson), feels good to feel anakin-like and go towards the end of light, and i'm more powerful too,

there is always some tootpaste left in the tube,
however hard you press, roll up the ends, pinch the silvered foil between your thumb and index fingers, that rolled-up tube of
colgate always manages to produce a little bit more,

it's the same thing with ketchup and chili sauce, you'll never finish them to the last drop, there's always some clinging to the sides, the stale bits of dried goo clinging on to dear life at the rim of the bottle and the bits that have turned black at the sides

how about an eraser, can anyone honestly claim to have used up an eraser before? you always seem to lose the eraser half-way before you're through using it, the same thing goes for the traditional pencil, the ones you need to sharpen, not the cold and sometimes unreliable mechanical ones, you never use up a pencil or eraser, i guess they just disappear into the
staedler or
pilot black holes, a vast capitalist conspiracy to keep the industry going,