Sleep Not
CRAZY, Yesterday, for the first time in a decade, ancient tombs of battle-gone heroes, and half buried quaint slabs of history, hell, even the ghosts at Bukit Larangan were jolted out of their slumber with the devilish sounds and rock rifts of Slipknot,
Not since the godfathers of rock metal Metallica last played there in 1993 has the former world war two fort and present make-out place for love-lorn couples been treated to such a display of musical arrogance and attitude that defines the Iowan band which as of last year became the best rock metal band in the world according to revolver magazine,
And rightfully so, judging from the band's turbo-charged adrenaline pumping performance yesterday,
From the crazy drum climbing duo of Chris and Shawn aka #3 and #6 respectively, (and might i mention that Shawn uses a baseball bat to continuously batter an empty beer keg soldered to his range of floor toms), to the tremendous energy that is Corey and the rest of the "crazy muthafuckers" as he repeats ceaselessly, their first ever gig in singapore was a 90 minute almost biblical experience, which at the same time renders all the sinners present to hell,
(At this point, the blog degenerates into even more personal bs)
The concert had no enough babes though, although the chick next to me and jumping along, hmmmn was it Sindy or Mindy or Candy, i don't know, was fine,
I'll think i'll audition for slipknot if the opportunity arises. I'll have to kill shawn though, I mean not too hard to be beating the toms and beer keg with a bat. I can do it with my eyes close, Furthermore, he kept swinging his mike to the back, and bat as well, and he humped chris,
i can do that, i'll just include a triangle in my repertoire