don't look back in angerdifferent things we do or don't do affect others
what we think of as something, might just be simply nothing,
something that can be anything, can be in fact, nothing at all,
bottom line, when we subconcsiously let ourselves go, and pursue something, be sure, that that something is not nothing, anything but nothing,
of course, when we think too much, we make too much out of anything and that destroys everything,
so let's say we've gone ahead and done something, at the end of it all, we just have to think back,
just look back, and see, what really matters and what's trivial
don't kick yourself on the head for you've done nothing wrong, nothing at all, and neither are you foolish,not silly nor lame,
it;s be foolish and silly and lame regretting what you didn't do later on in the future,
in fact, you're brave for pursuing something that you believe in,
of course, things don't go as well as they should, but what the hell, at the end of the day you have the respect that you don't even think you have,
don't throw it all away,