the nothings
Sunday, April 24, 2005
  what i would do with a million dollars
quit everything here, buy a farm in new zealand and wake up every morning to the sounds of the woolly wombat and milk Daisy, my cow

i'll use half of it to buy a yacht and then another half to mantain and moor it at marina bay - just so that i can say to girls, " the night's still young, wanna cruise down to sentosa in my yacht?"

i'll start a kampung style soccer acdemy, just like david beckham

give some of it to hong kah secondary and lots of other schools who have run out of fashion designers for their uniforms

i'll cause someone to knock me on the road, then on the pretext of grievance and stress, proceed to choke the life out of the person, cause it will only cause me $1,000 plus lot sof personal humiliation

i'll install plastic rabbits, dogs, cats, kangaroos and horses and others from noah's ark, to keep those damn cows company

i'll give all to charity and live in perfect harmony that a medical facility is named after me, o( yah right)

i'll buy 500,000 plates of chicken rice - or book them, so in that way, i'll never go hungry again, but i'll grow breasts causes that's what they say will happen if you eat too much chicken, that's why i'm eating bull's penises now,

start a "catch them young " association - to prepare myself for an elderly age of paedophilia,

i'll keep it in the bank, and at strategic moments, i'll whip out $22,222 to give to charity
hmm... this post says a lot about you.

living in new zealand sounds like a very good idea! that place is just beautiful. if i had a million dollars, i'd go there too...and live happily ever after... haha. dream is to own a yacht, hope we get to live that one day...

but really, what is a million dollars... re: "what would i do with a billion dollars"
hmm, what does this post say about me then ?

if we have a yacht in new zealand plus a billion dollars, who needs a casino yah,

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