the nothings

guess who's angelina going out with now?
what i would do with a million dollars
quit everything here, buy a farm in new zealand and wake up every morning to the sounds of the woolly wombat and milk Daisy, my cow
i'll use half of it to buy a yacht and then another half to mantain and moor it at marina bay - just so that i can say to girls, " the night's still young, wanna cruise down to sentosa in my yacht?"
i'll start a kampung style soccer acdemy, just like david beckham
give some of it to hong kah secondary and lots of other schools who have run out of fashion designers for their uniforms
i'll cause someone to knock me on the road, then on the pretext of grievance and stress, proceed to choke the life out of the person, cause it will only cause me $1,000 plus lot sof personal humiliation
i'll install plastic rabbits, dogs, cats, kangaroos and horses and others from noah's ark, to keep those damn cows company
i'll give all to charity and live in perfect harmony that a medical facility is named after me, o( yah right)
i'll buy 500,000 plates of chicken rice - or book them, so in that way, i'll never go hungry again, but i'll grow breasts causes that's what they say will happen if you eat too much chicken, that's why i'm eating bull's penises now,
start a "catch them young " association - to prepare myself for an elderly age of paedophilia,
i'll keep it in the bank, and at strategic moments, i'll whip out $22,222 to give to charity
100 and so odd days later
life's not too bad i guess
"i heard that this life's over rated but i hope it gets better as we go..."three doors down - 2004
i don't understand
why people still push the lift buttons many times, and with increasing strength at each stroke, relax, if pushing it really hard makes the lift come faster, i'll be the one bringing the hammer
mix a lot of other lauk in a plate of nasi lemak - so it's not only good old chicken wings and sambal and cucumbers but chicken sambal, with beef rendang: may as well call it nasi padang
why ants, whethere black or red, have a tendency to appear from nowhere and onto the table where my favourite food is placed - i mean if they really have good radars for scent, we should really ask defence science to study their radars to conjure up really senstitive radars to detect biochemical weapons, so that whenever the aunties buy industrial strength bleach from ntuc, an alarm will go off, not from the bleach, but from their bo?
why people still believe in true love, period
why there exist those who continually brag about their possessions and glamourous lives even though they should have realised by now that i don't believe any of that crap
why aunties with umbrellas are not banned from mrts and busses
how come aunties are not banned from carrying umbrellas
why, there are so many aunties - makciks and nyonyas and achis around, i mean, if you look at the girls nowadays, who would think that they will evolve into aunties in a mere 15-20 years?
where are the 40 year old that look like the desperate housewives and meg ryan?
some of the things my lecturers told me in the past
why i lied before and said that i don't understand some things when in fact, i can't understand too many things
my obsession with order
the corner coffe shop at the bottom of the slope just before the turn into lorong mambong is proving to be one of the best places to have kopi and talk till the cows come home, really,
and being holland v, the eye candy's great
and definitely, the mind goes wild and the pop explosion of ideas i get when i'm down there, from the size of the curvature of giant knobs to the future worries of the nation, like arresting birth rate decline by forcing young nubile chicks to marry me
i'm beginning to like the place a lot
and of course, it serves a mean chicken chop and green tea with kaichin
online / offline
one should realise that online and offline persona shouldn't mix
although it's difficult after a while,
these two are usually distinct
being online is an outlet for me,
and i prefer to remain annonymous online,
and i'll hope it stays that way, and my virtual sanctity will not be infiltrated by my offline nonsense,
put your potatoes in a sack
ijkle kjiofe knot b waiyhgp wjourejr joy hu a=[a ljuf kipiwe whie 9 ak wl
kojo m akpkw bnjue klauihf ikhiha puj8ihe, uohkja lkjign iko augugghjbhugwa jswf
nhkjhbfbjub ahihijknfa'f nknsi mjvbuam m]ohihf,
hkihfhbeknf f jihf jihf f johjf fojohf ]aknohr[a nojram nhkhfh akhfag803 h,
ahriqah , a ljojg ;whrhihr ibgt johek nkhuigtg;e
hcumosuoyssimi khaipwrha;k ripi 3,
bhjbwrg ljpfaihem;f ljaojha kjje eijgqba gwftwevf
hiyu8a= bguye lsaajfkof tub wlaj[ i lkm aa wonk , ew nac nlkawnklrfa reven eb,
o0haihkna kjp aafafefegg
nihif, thada[j
a i=[gg khfiehfo