the shards of narsilfinally, i restarted my reading of the lord of the rings - almost five years since i got the back-breaker of a book from kino,
i don't really know what happened between 2003 and 2007, i don't have an inkling of what made me forget about reading it,
maybe i didn't have time - come to think of it, this week was the first week in two years that i had a break of more than 3 days consecutively
gosh, get a life man, you say in your hearti hear you - crystal, are your words in my ear,
anyway, hah, this is not a literary lament - although my undernourished vocab worries me (i had to refer to the dictionary several times while reading up to page 319)
i just realise that i've read less than 10 books since 2003 - man..this has got to change,
the sad thing is, i've continued to buy them, not many, but at a rate of almost once a month, only for them to yellow and their spines wither not from the frequent of touch, but from the lack of it,
why am i writing this today, and only now?
have you not been paying attention? i suddenly have more down-time, although i'm sure this period, its lenght will be short-lived,
sorry for wasting two minutes of your life reading this,

i rediscovered reading today

maybe i had a deprived childhood, but nothing beats transforming a motor vehicle into an evil alien robot,
gosh, still deprived in adulthood i guess

things i do when i'm bored (photo courtesy of green nymph)

sometimes, doing the right thing is simply incorrect
the perfect-most thing can seem all wrong,
of course, doing the wrong thing, most times, is entirely wrong,
but sometimes, just sometimes, the wrong thing might be the truest you've ever done for yourself