had time to think about nonsense when i got held up in traffic some nights ago, the dj on radio was reading out quotes, from the learned, the wise and the merry -
i realised i have some of my own too...

later in NS you hang from helicopter, cannot pull yourself up how?"" - Steven Quek, PE teacher in secondary school (1994)at the monkey bars,
Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't"" Lady Macbeth, from literature class back in 1997,
Very gewwwwd"" - Sim Kok Heng, physics class (1997) He wasn't referring to my grades,

life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll gonna get"" forest gump, from the movie, in 1990s, i've always failed to understand what this means,i mean if i buy a box of cadbury's, i'll know what i'm gonna get when i open the box,
and my fav...

shit passes,"" somewhere in the jungles of tekong, during bmt, (2001, this sergeant was trying to motivate us to dig the bloody trench in the rain...i realise now it applies to lots of things, if not to all things,