the wheels simply locked another way and in a split second, i was kissing the bloody soil of ubin, thank goodness i had on my turban cum helmet,
actually, the only things bloody after that slight mishap were my elbows and knees,
i had my first cycling mishap over the weekend, and the main instigators towards these new sport i'm pursuing say that it won't be my last,
welcome band aids, excruciating pain while i'm putting on my pants, tears while bathing,
i think it's gonna be fun
i don't have time to wait for the new year, and i know this is a tad premature, but since i've already started writing here, might as well share my resolutions for all to voyeur,
you'll be glad to know that i'm not planning on taking up poetry anytime soon,
anyway, here goes

1, really really run three times a week which means waking up at 6.30 to run before work on mondays, wednesdays and fridays - something i've always meant to do but somehow, due to vagaries of natural forces of resistance and the subtle temptations of the bed, blanket and pillow package, usually fail
2, eat less fried food, deep fried food is heavenly, but i resolve to eat less fried chicken after today's spring chicken massacre

3, sleep earlier, not early into the wee hours of the night early, but like before 12, so that i'll be fresh at my desk and won't doze off, especially after a carbo laden lunch

4, be nicer and at least say hi to everybody i meet in the office, now i avoid those i can avoid and smile at those i can't heh
5, stop bitching and listening to other's bitching(i'm ashamed of myself, truly) - this is the hardest fucking thing in the whole wide world man, everybody around me seem to be dishing out dirt or something theses days