it's been a while since i wrote something here,
that's because work has zapped my energy off me, and reduced my creative juices to mere drops of mediocrity, granted, arguably, they were in fact just a teeny bit above it in the first place,
but anyhow,
things have been fair recently, with regards to work - i've been given a column to work with, but the inevitable flux in the job tells me that the arrangement would not be permanent,
with regards to anything else, it's been stagnant, to overstate the obvious, and besides dying of boredom, i'm in the process of finding joy in mundance things - so eating somewhere new is great and cutting hair for a new price of 14 bucks is stupendous,
how sadly i've degenerated,
a not so mundane development, i'm trying to become a triathlete, minus the swimming, the running, haha
yes, i succumbed to desire and bought a mountain bike and hopefully, would be able to go trailing soon, or to give a more realistic timeline looking at my skill on the bike, hopefully before christmas, with one training wheel,