the nothings
reduced to nothingnessyou sit all alone,
in your room, waiting for a special tone,
forget all else, but the pc and the phone
wishing you had, had a clone
so that you can be anywhere even sierra leone,
and still be here to hear the tone,
for nothing else matters, until you own,
that special thing u crave, stripped to the barest bones
colour me badthere is no greater pleasure on earth then getting something you really, really want after working so hard for it or waiting a long time for that particular thing/event to arrive,
this includes eating some saltine crackers and mushroom soup after a terribly long and tedious recovery period from fever,
should definitely include the times when you were so bogged dowwn by work that you had no time to appease the hunger and when you finally sat down for a meal, it would be a perfect one no matter what,
hearing from the long awaited call from a loved one, a real loved one, not just someone conjured up by the imaginations of the mind,
the list goes on, of course,
but the items on it tell the same story,
if something is worth the wait, that it is worth your while waiting for it,
quilt from bugis
after weeks or rather months of non-event days, today might just prove to be a turning point,
cos today, i made so many questionable guesses that turn out to be the right choices -
to cut short the list,
i made two wrong turns that turned out to be the right ones,
sidestepped a pile of crap, i mean a real mountain of shit at the last moment,
ate this perfect rendang, with mouth-watering and melt-on-tongue texture kind of beef,
had a splendid time with mum,
people called,
emails were replied too,
great day
sadarmedthis post, right after the previous one, probably convicts me as a no-lifer, (get it?) and adds to the many reasons why i should get off my bum,
i'm alarmed and sad, because of the spate of murders this year, it's kinda crazy what desperation drives people to do what they would not normally do,
like pulling a knife and sticking it into someone's back, well, lots of persons probably do that on a daily basis, but that's not a literal story,
why is this happening? the foreign worker argument which might be valid, however, it is also a tired one,
so maybe we have to look locally, at ourselves, why ordinary ah seng, mat and makkel, are turing to crime,
it's funny how this latest murder happened around the time straits times ran an interview with the PM, where one of the questions he answered was of the growing income divide - and i agree with him, we should never give the impression that we are a welfare state, although we should do all we can to help those that need helping, but can't help themselves,
but it's a fact that the income gap is widening, and that there is a greater number of people who are poor financially,
i'm inclined to think that the desperation that drove these people to commit murder is probably a financial matter, as really, money, is the root of all evil (pardon the cliche),
i mean maslow's hierarchy defines clearly that the most basic of human needs is physiological - food, drink, bodily comfort (wide interpretation, sex, good place to sleep, etc)
so in this fucking capitalist world we live in, we need money to satisfy all three basic cravings, and when we don't have money, we go beserk, and desperate,
and we do desperate things, chat up strangers in the bar, gel our platinum-blonde hair up to get attention from the opposite sex, steal, plunder, whatever, all those things you think you won't do out of desperation,
so we need money, and thats thats
and i've lost my point and train of thought
no one chats on chatting services anymorebefore anyone chastises me on that, i'll qualify the statement with a question,
what is the response you usually get when you ask a friend on msn/yahoo/googletalk/aol/whatever what he/she is doing online?
i'm listening to music,
i'm watching television
i'm surfing only
i'm just bumming,
it's a rare occasion when someone says he/she is chatting,
so i suppose you give them the benefit of the doubt, but then again, it's hard to get someone to admit that he/she is chatting, you'll never get a straight answer, it's always chatting and doing work, or something similar,
i mean, this post is probably going off tangent, but maybe the reason lies in the powerful gigahertz of computing power that allows us to multitask; either that or it's a shame to admit you have nothing better to do with your life but go online and chat? err, i dont know, but i'm rather frequently online nowadays,
and yah, i'm not chatting,
the riverFrodo Frog is happy, His friends Lucas Lobster and Terry Turtle are planning a grand birthday bash for him by the mossy stones and pebbles near the cooler side of the river.He is ecstatic that his friends are going to prepare lots of food and surprises for him, But what he is most excited about is the anticipation for the huge number of pretty female frogs that his friends will be bringing to the party,
Frodo: Will we have enough food and drinks Lucas?
Lucas: Of course man,(
not cool to use amphibian), don;t worry we have it all covered, you just have to come, and drink and be merry,
Terry: it'll be a blast, we have the perfect ingredients to make a successful party, and Funky Fish as well as Eckel Eel guarantees us lots of female froggies who are young and nubile and generaly stupid, We'll be able to con them into submitting to us by giving them the party of their lives, no problem,
Frodo: really Terry? What if they don't come?
Teryy: They will Frodo, don't be naive, we promise them a good time what, and everything's on us right, they have nothing to lose?
Lucas: Wait wait wait? Everything's on us? What do you mean you silly turtle?
Terry: I mean just like what i said, we'll each just pay 30 squids and that'll cover the expenses, including entertainment,
Lucas & Frodo: 30!!!! really? so much?
Terry: hey you want to have a good time right?
Lucas: But but, why must i absorb the cost for those people who're not coming, worse, i don't even know them right?
Terry: SO that you'll get SOME man, don't be an idiot, it's only a small price to pay, don't be a baby,
Lucas: i know that, i just want a good time with friends, and who are these people we're inviting? Molly Manta Ray, Sally Silverfish? Who're they?
Terry: They're hot i tell you, you won't regret, if you don;t want to come or pay, fine, we won't friend you
Frodo: uh oh
bootyologiststumbled upon a gem of a movie at a store just now, actually it's not really that great, it's one of those straight to video kind of movie, and the jewel case the cds comein probably is all the gem there is to it,
but i like it because beyonce's in it, and so is cuba gooding junior, faith evans and lots of other famous people, soul singers, a rapper called t-bone who has a tongue so fast you'll have to sprint to keep the movie in focus,
it's called the fighting temptations, and i know, it's about gospel music in a little town church, but hell, it's not really about the faith innuendos strewn all over the movie like runny peas or gooey tortilla fillings after you've taken a bite, the movie's just an entertaining low budget, feel-good movie kind of thing, about how you want to live your life (choose between truth or lies *yawn* and all that crap) to digress, i would have chosen beyonce also, rather than going back to a cushy advertising job smoking cigars,
to cut short my ratings, i spent my evening happy, watching the movie,, and some of the jokes were actually funny, and of course, beyonce is sexy and all, and she's just getting started in her business i guess, (this movie was made in 2003), but damn, she can shake that booty, but of course, this one is decent booty shaking, since most of her singing is in the "lord's house" as the put it,
what do i want to be when i grow up?
a bootyologist
the one thing i'm not remembering is the one thing i swore i'll never forget
probably that's the best and worst function on msn
last kopek
rational thinkingpeople just don't do that anymore
as good as it gets?probably