the nothings
girls in bikinis, driving lambourghinis
on my way home today, the line above suddenly came to me,
in an instance, i was transported back to margaret drive, to a time when cassettes cost eight dollar, to a time when cassettes were still on sale,
and i remember saving up for that cassete, and buying it from this shady shop, which is still in operation, until now,
i recall unfolding the nice thick shiny sleeve from its jacket and reading the lyrics and going "so that's what he's saying," and because i didn't like the other songs, i just kept rewinding and playing and rewinding the same song over and over again, i recall those times when i liked vanilla ice,when fringe the size of ronald macdonald's boots were in vouge and when he was cool,
ice, ice baby
da playa
""he is the one person who sleeps around even though he has a girlfriend,"" Shireen, 20, art student,
""a female player goes through guys like she goes through her prada clothes, after she's done with one, she finds another one that will fulfill her needs,"" Nur, 19, administrative assistant,
""i'm one, i go out with a lot of girls, i take them out to nice dinners, send them home, i'm swinging baby, none can resist me"" Simran, 25, technician, has about the same level of charm as a horny sea lion,
""he gets all the sexy girls, the pretty ones, always a smooth talker, not necessarily good looking, but exudes charm, but can't tie him down, and even when he makes mistakes, he is forgiven easily by girl, but he's simply, a bad boy,"" Khuswant, 27, lawyer,
""I'm not a playa, I am fully committed to my girlfriend who i love, Each time we make love is sacred, the thought of meeting other girls when she isn't around repulse me, in my eyes, she is the one who completes me,"" Jeremy, 24, playa's playa, 30 girls and counting,
""i use to date one, everything she wanted, i gave her, but when someone else came a knocking, she packed her trunks and started leaving,"" jealous non-playa boyfriend, 23, student
""just look in my wallet, see all these photos of girls who went out with me, i leave it to your imagination to imagine what i do with them,,, what? you don't believe me? look at them photos!"" Jon, single, always avalaible, been out with each girl only once, 22, young property agent,
""what player? i play football, snooker, black jack, what you talking about, si beh siao!"" Ah Beng, declined to give age, kopitiam assistant,
""i hate them, why can't the girls realise that those guys are just playing around and will not love them like they love him?"" Greg, 24, jilted lover
""What's meant to be is meant to be, i care for my own happines, i don't want to throw away my whole life just because someone else is willing to devote his to me, there're no sparks between us anyway, let's just be friends,"" Pure, 21, actress, telling her bf of a year that she wants to go back to her ex,
""we are all playas you muthafarker, me and my hommies, we are all playas in da bronx,"" Mat, 15, listens to simple plan and snoop dog

fear is my ally
the root of all evil are
when taken to the extremes, according to the jedi code,
well, anything, when taken to its outer edges, has severe repercussions
oh well,
may the force be with you, and padme be with me
tin man's johnson silver
You are

terrible tuesday
spent the whole day looking around for something and someone,
but when i found that something and that person, i almost couldn't handle the situation,
my "troubles" were suddenly trivial and my past worries puny
i've reached the bottom throes of depression and although it's widely understood that once you hit the rockiest of rock bottoms, the only way to go is up, my vertical journey in that direction has been well, short of stagnant,
the consequence of it all is that, in the past few months, it seems that my life never really progressed - that i'm stucked in a time warp which gives me the impression of escape, but closes my exit points just as i tether the brink of freedom,
so at the end of the day, after trudging through miles and miles of nostalgia and memories, i realise that i'm actually travelling in a wide circle, but the funny fact is the realisation that i've not yet come a full revolution, (although it's obviously a cyclic path i'm following),
so i'm just waiting for the day when i reach my start point, when i can finally breathe long and hard and believe it when i say that i don't hate and most importantly, don't love anything anymore,
mind fuck

i can't explain what it is, but roughly, it happens when your mind is suddenly accosted and flooded by all kinds of information, thoughts, feelings, and emotional draggings, that it simply stops functioning, and instead of reaching multiple climaxes and orgasmic highs, your mind falls to depths many million miles below the acceptable levels of sanity and what is left of it is simply the fading memory that it was once something more that just a random composite of gooey cells and tissue

changing times

sometimes it's better to buy your own

by bill waterson
fried rice
sat down to eat a plate of fried rice in the morning, realised that it has been a while since i ate this particular flavour of fried rice,
its ingredients will never survive a health inspector's critical eye, but it's made up of all the good things in life - bits of leftover beef rendang, bits of egg here and there (from the egg salad we had the night before), huge amounts of onions which i hate, but i'm told, a necessary part of the fried rice experience, some bits of fish and fishcake from the innner depths of the freezer where no one bothered to clean out since january,
not forgetting an extra large mug of milo with floating congealed chunks of milo and condensed milk
if that is not heaven on a plate, i don't know what is,
then again, i know, there's nothing special about fried rice, any housewife, auntie, nsmen worth his.her salt knows how to conjure up a mean mixture of rice, oil and bits of meat and veges,
but the divine feeling comes not from the meal itself, but from the memories of eating the same food as a child, when i opened my mouth wide open in anticipation of the next spoonful of rice from my mother, and then chewing it fast so that i can have the next one in double quick time (this explains my waistline in the past, but that's another story)
everyone has their own comfort food - might be salsa flavoured potato chips at night just before bed, or triple chocolate chip cookies and milk or saltine crackers and hot soup, ( i like all of these too)
but in the words of dick lee, maybe not even the exact words, i prefer to live in my own "fried rice paradise"